Family Farm Disaster Fund

If you’re a farmer or rancher affected by droughts, please check out this running list of available resources.

Find more general information on our Resources for Farmers page.

One hundred percent of every dollar raised for the Family Farm Disaster Fund will go directly to work for family farmers who need it now. Click here to donate.

As farmers and ranchers pick up the pieces and work to rebuild in the wake of natural disasters like hurricanes, drought and wildfires, the financial, physical and emotional weight of navigating recovery can be overwhelming. Farm Aid is here to help.

Farm Aid created the Family Farm Disaster Fund to help farm families recover from weather-related disasters. Few businesses are as vulnerable to natural disasters as farms, where the loss of crops and livestock can also mean the loss of income for farm families for the year. Weather disasters can also damage houses, buildings and equipment that impact farms for years to come and deepen debt burdens for farm families. Additionally, the emotional toll of disasters often hit hardest after the immediate response period has ended, when farmers least expect it.

Farm Aid helps family farmers through disasters by:

  • Answering the 1-800-FARM-AID hotline. Farm families under extreme stress need a sympathetic ear—someone to listen and provide relief from the anxiety and desperation they may be experiencing.
  • Providing emergency funds to farm families for family household and medical expenses. Coordinating with churches and farm service organizations operating in the disaster region, Farm Aid responds quickly to ensure that the money goes to farm families most in need.
  • Connecting farmers to the legal and financial resources they need. The Farm Aid hotline not only offers emotional support, it also helps farmers understand their recovery options and provides referrals to farm support services through our extensive Farmer Resource Network. When farmers need help to avoid foreclosure due to losses from natural disasters, Farm Aid and our partners are there to help.
  • Convening disaster recovery workshops and meetings that connect farmers with experts who know the intricate ins and outs of applying for available disaster assistance or that expand the capacity of farm service providers to support farmers in crisis.
  • Advocating for needed disaster recovery funds and resources from federal & state governments.

Farm Aid has more than 30 years of experience responding immediately to family farmers in the face of disasters. Donations to the Family Farm Disaster Fund help Farm Aid directly address the needs of farms affected by weather disasters.

Click here to donate to the Family Farm Disaster Fund now.

An Example of Recent Disaster Response Efforts:

2019 Midwestern Flooding

Midwest flooding

Photo: Governor Pete Ricketts

Farmers and ranchers across the Midwest are currently dealing with the impact of historic flooding.

Our long experience in responding to farmers who have experienced major natural disasters tells us that there will be a need for immediate emergency aid and mid- and long-term assistance. In addition to the financial loss caused by weather disasters, many farmers suffer the emotional toll of disasters long after floodwaters recede. Mental health services to support these farmers are critically important.

Farm Aid’s relief efforts will focus on the family farmers and ranchers who have lost their barns, livestock, crops, pasture and other essentials. Record rainfall, flooding and wind damage has left farmers under standing water, even as thousands of them already have been struggling due to low prices and farm and trade policies that are putting them incredible financial, legal and emotional stress.

Farm Aid is working with partners in disaster-affected areas to determine the long-term needs of impacted farmers and ranchers. Farm Aid grants will support Midwest farm organizations coordinating locally to:

  • Make emergency grants to farm and ranch families;
  • Help farmers and ranchers understand their farm recovery options;
  • Support local and state farm service providers to help farmers navigate recovery options, from mental health resources to federal funding opportunities; and
  • Advocate for needed disaster recovery funds and resources from the federal government.

Please donate to the Family Farm Disaster Fund today.

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