Blog | September 27, 2006

Ryan says Only a Psychic can know for Sure but….

you don’t have to be a Psychic to Know that you will have the time of your life.

The response from Farm Aid’s Fans has been great. There seems to be one reoccuring theme in all questions and e-mails that I have recieved. Who is performing when and when does the fun of Farm Aid start?

Well, you all are not alone in this question. This being my 8th Farm Aid, it is the question that we always get, even from the artist themselves. The truth is we have a published line-up of artists, but believe it or not, the schedule is never nailed down. It really changes by the minute as plane flights are delayed, or because there are equipment transfer problems or both even. You name it, we have seen it at the concert. What has always been the case is that Willie, Neil, John and Dave usually close out the evening, but look for them earlier in the day because they always suprise us each year by randomly jumping on stage to join a musical buddy when they are inspired to rock out a set with a new artist.

The short answer to the line-up question is that your guess is as good as the stage managers. However as the plans are determinded backstage the day of the show, I will rush to publish on here a hint as to who might be playing with who and when…sounds so private investor doesn’t it? (Sorry unless you have a blackberry or cell with Web access – this scoop and inside information will be lost on you on the lawn or in the seats.)

What is true fact now is that the doors open at 1pm. I suggest that you are there then. Why? Every year the hottest t-shirts are sold out within hours. We order more each year, but they are gobbled up year after year. I think the reason is that they have been become more iconic and funky. I am itching to buy a Good Food Cow one this year.

Plus, the beginning of the show has always given audience the opportunity to meet the next rock or country star. Just a few years back, Los Lonely Boy played one of the early set… then later in the coming year went on to win a Grammy. There is talent on stage every minute of the concert.

Concert starts at 1:30pm. Concert ends….well, even though we say 11pm…. most shows end when Willie is ready for them to end….expect to be out late.

Also, I would like to Welcome the Wilson Family from Eastern Ontario Canada. This will be their first Farm Aid. They are a big family of 6…Ma, Pa, and 4 kids, 21, 18, 16, 14 and Ma had the brainstorm to attend. Let me know where your seats are and I will pop over during the show and check in with you on how the experience is going. ( I also open this up to others….send me your seat number and I will come over and say hi and quote you on the blog about your experience).

They wrote to ask… “what should we expect to do about transportation, rain or food”

Transportation: I have been told is best left to public transportation… If you are staying in New Jersey, you can take NJ TRANSIT’s River LINE to the Camden Waterfront. From Philadelphia, you can take the Riverlink Ferry.

Click here for driving directions(pdf)

Rain or shine we will proceed. Consult before attending. Like farmers, a little rain will never stop us from plowing ahead.

Food: There is plenty waiting for you at Tweeter. There will be booth after booth. Expect everything that would typically find at a festival or concert, plus some Organic and Farmer -Friendly foods as well. Large amounts of outside food or beverages are not allowed into the venue but you can bring a sealed bottle of water, one liter or less is permitted, water will be available for refills. Also personal snacks up to one gallon in a clear baggie are permitted. And as always, we will be having a food drive. Bring non-perishable goods to donate at the front gate.

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