Ryan LaLonde was Farm Aid’s behind the scenes blogger last year. He is back this year and ready to answer all your questions. To send a question to Ryan send an email to
The concert is quickly approaching and while there is no backstage activity to blog about just yet, there are the behind the scenes scoops as we lead up to the arrival backstage. Consider me your guide to the antics, gossip and facts of this year’s Farm Aid concert. What you want to know, I will seek to answer.
Growing up in rural Michigan on my family’s farm, there was always some mischief to get into. I’d build forts in grandpa’s barn or play hide-n-seek in the neighbor’s cornfield. We grew sugar beets and soybeans (which are not crops that make for good hide-n-seek). And, the concert is no different than the farm: There is mischief to be had, and I have an all access pass, and full permission to get the scoop and report back to you.
Now I have to be honest. I am not completely knowledgeable about all the aspects of farming. I know how to drive a tractor and a few other necessities that got me by in a farming family. Our farm was a dairy farm, till the fire in 1967. This all predated me. By the time I came around, the farm had shifted to a full crop farm, with portions rented out to other farmers to extend their crops. I had aspirations of escaping the small town. In retrospect, you never really leave the farm, you take it with you where ever you go.
The same goes for music. Like most of the LaLonde’s, the tone-deaf gene is alive and kicking in me. But you don’t have to be able to sing the songs well to know that they are good and that people are enjoying them.
This is my promise: I will give you the scoop throughout the concert and keep you posted on all you want to know. Watch for special features like Farm Aid Fashion reports, Farm Aid Food reports, Artist Interviews and most importantly, the behind the scenes workings of the artists, celebrities and the concert. Take it from me, Farm Aid is an experience not to be missed.