Last month’s Hurricane Irene is a distant memory for most people. They’ve moved on to other things — summer’s green leaves are starting to turn, kids are back in school and football’s back on TV. But as we posted last week, areas of New York and Vermont are still just barely starting to recover from the storm, which did cause incredible damage. The video below from, featuring David and Denise Lloyd, got passed around the Farm Aid office today as a moving illustration of the devastation Irene caused to their farm, crops and animals. Accompanied by terrifying photos and video, they describe how they will have to rebuild to keep their dairy farm, Maple Downs, operating.
Hurricane Irene Aftermath: One Farmer’s Story from SkeeterNYC on Vimeo.
In the video David says, “People… come up to see landscape, which is our agriculture, which is our corn crop. It’s part of us being in business to help maintain that whole picture in our community. This community started with agriculture and it’s still a very important part of this community.”