Waldo Canyon Fire

Disaster Resources | June 17, 2022

Resources for Farmers and Ranchers Facing Wildfire

by Lori Mercer

Mostly due to continued drought and rising temperatures, the risk of wildfires this season is expected to be higher than normal in the West and parts of the Midwest. Sadly, preparing for wildfire season is becoming practically almost a rite of spring for farmers and ranchers in these tinder-dry regions. The potential destruction of property, crops and livestock, as well as harmful exposure to smoke, ash and chemicals adds up to an unimaginable threat for these folks still reeling from the pandemic and water shortages.

These federal and state based wildfire resources are intended to guide farmers and ranchers to the proper support in their time of need. Topics include:

  • Safeguarding against wildfires
  • Local fire maps
  • Pre- and post-wildfire land management and recovery
  • Emergency evacuation plans and safety during wildfires
  • Legal and tax considerations
  • Livestock care
  • Hay resources
  • Federal disaster relief programs
  • Technical assistance resources
  • and more…

Be sure to return to this site often as updates will be made as the season progresses. For the wildfire forecast where you live, go to the National Significant Wildland Potential Outlook from the National Interagency Fire Center.

Resources for Farmers and Ranchers Facing Wildfire

View the resources below, or click here to view this on Google Sheets.

You Can Always Call Farm Aid

We know that navigating these programs can be overwhelming as you work to recover from disaster. Please know that you can call 1-800-FARM-AID (or send us an email) at any time if you need support or help with the details. Farm Aid can put you in touch with someone near you to help you figure things out.

We work to keep this page up-to-date. If you know of additional resources you can share with us, please email farmhelp@farmaid.org or call our hotline at 1-800-FARMAID.

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