How well do you know Farm Aid and the artists of Farm Aid 25: Growing Hope for America? Take our quiz and see!
1Q: Which two Farm Aid performers were not even born yet when the first Farm Aid concert happened?
2Q: On October 4, 1985 – who took out a full-page ad in USA Today with an open letter asking President Ronald Regan, “Will the family farm in America die as a result of your administration?”
3Q: Whom did Willie Nelson ask to join the Farm Aid board in 2001?
4Q: Which 2010 Farm Aid performer has an avocado farm?
5Q: Which Farm Aid concert was the farthest West? And which city was it in?
6Q: In 1986, Farm Aid gathered an unprecedented 3,000 farmers across the country to created a united platform for farm policy that coalesced support for family farm agriculture. What was this “gathering” called?
7Q: Sparked by a suggestion from Neil Young, in 2005 Farm Sponsored what at Kenyon College?
8Q: About what percentage of all the 78,000 farms in Wisconsin are family farms? (Give or take a %)
9Q Wisconsin ranks what number, out of all the 50 States, for the most organic farms?
10Q: Which concert has been your favorite and why?