woman, man, and boy admiring a tiny goat
The Mini Farm in the HOMEGROWN Village at Farm Aid 2022. Photo © Lise Metzger

Blog | September 14, 2024

Checking in on the HOMEGROWN Village on the #Road2FarmAid

by Jennifer Fahy

Another dispatch from the #Road2FarmAid!

Please introduce yourself:

Hi! My name is Alexandria Ward, I am taller than I appear on a Zoom screen and I am so thrilled to be here! I pull inspiration from seeing produce at the farmers markets and talking with the creative and passionate individuals working across the county to support our food and farm systems.

How are you connected to Farm Aid?

I am the Farmer Services Network Manager with Farm Aid — at least that’s what I’m known as most of the year. But in Hannah Montana style I get the best of both worlds, and during festival season I put on my festival cap, roll up the sleeves of my jumpsuit and help get the HOMEGROWN Village rocking and rolling! This year I am also working to coordinate a training for folks who want to support farmers (this is just one of the pre-events that lead up to festival-day)!

What are you working on now to prep for Farm Aid 2024?

Great question! I’m perilously balancing my personas (haha)! For the Village I am doing a lot of communicating with our exhibitors and working to support their incredibly creative and informative HOMEGROWN Village activities. The most astrophysics-related part of my work is figuring out how to fit an inexhaustible number of awesome exhibits and orgs into a finite space!

What are you most looking forward to on 9/21?

I always look forward to finally seeing the HOMEGROWN Village in real life after spending so many months planning for it! I look forward to getting to meet or reunite with all the people and organizations who bring such powerful energy to the space.

Check out the gallery of photos below for a look at the HOMEGROWN Village. And click here to learn about the hands-on exhibits at this year’s HOMEGROWN Village.

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