Blog | December 7, 2012

An Invitation from the Road

WillieAs I crisscrossed the country on my bus this year, I saw firsthand the impact drought and extremes of weather have had on this land and our farmers. On the Farm Aid hotline, we worked with many distressed farmers seeking help to survive the worst drought in more than fifty years. When extremes of weather like this hit, it’s hard to keep the faith. And yet that’s what farmers do, each and every day.

I am inspired by family farmers. I know you are too. It’s with your help that we’ve grown and strengthened family farm agriculture. Together we have put more farmers on the land and made family farm food more available to all of us.

In spite of the hardships, thanks to Farm Aid supporters like you, family farmers are leading the way to a future of good food. We answer the Farm Aid hotline every day and the greatest number of calls we receive come from folks looking to get started in farming or from farmers who want to learn how to farm more sustainably. This is good news for farmers — and great news for all of us.

With a gift to Farm Aid, you can ensure we keep growing the Good Food Movement and a brighter future for all of us. We need family farmers — they are essential for helping us solve the challenges we face with our economy, climate change, and chronic health conditions like diabetes and obesity.

Family farm food on our tables guarantees the health and strength of our families and communities. The work of Farm Aid depends on gifts from people like you. Please, give a gift today, to ensure that family farmers not only survive extremes of weather today, but grow and thrive into the future.

Stay Strong and Positive,

Willie Nelson
President, Farm Aid

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