Wheat and Dollars
By Bigstock Photo

Corporate Power | April 25, 2015

Take Action for Food and Farm Justice: Stop Fast Track

Trade deals are one of the most powerful ways that corporations can control our food and farm system. So-called “free trade” agreements, like NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), have concentrated corporate power and contributed to:

  • the exploitation of family farmers in the U.S. and abroad;
  • lower food safety standards for eaters;
  • the degradation of our soil, air and water;
  • the collapse of local economies and forced migration of workers; and
  • the undermining of local food procurement efforts such as farm to school programs.

Take action now: Contact your members of Congress using this tool from our partners at the Citizens Trade Campaign to tell them to reject the Ryan-Hatch Fast Track bill.

Once again, trade is being used to expand corporate power, and companies want the deals done quick and dirty.

Senators Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) haves introduced a bill to grant Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) – or Fast Track – to the President to negotiate and sign trade agreements behind closed doors, without the American public or Congressional input. Two undemocratic agreements — the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)— would then be presented to Congress for vote, without amendments and with a maximum 20 hours for debate.

These agreements are too important to be negotiated in secret, without the input of American citizens or Congress.

By stopping Fast Track, we can derail this corporate trade agenda.

It is time to abandon the failed promise that any trade deal is a good deal. We must negotiate trade agreements that work for all people, rather than passing trade policies that make corporations richer.

Take Action with Farm Aid and Stop Fast Track today!

Further Reading

How would these trade deals affect family farmers and our food system? Find out here.

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