Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa CCI) takes a grassroots approach to empowering and uniting people of all ethnic backgrounds to take control of their communities. Iowa CCI members are armed with a powerful food and agriculture justice narrative about farming and our environment.
Members have used these skills to take on corporate abuses in agriculture. Recently they targeted an Iowa agribusiness executive who has been building factory farms across the state and plans to expand his model overseas. The group exposed the underbelly of his agriculture summit – an event they characterized as “a political kingmaker using money to corrupt our political system in the name of feeding the world.” Iowa CCI and other farm, food and community allies (including Farm Aid!) organized a Food and Agriculture Justice Summit at the same time to lift up a new vision for food and agriculture.
Iowa CCI uses Farm Aid grants to fight against factory farms and bring about long-term structural change. “[Farm Aid allows us] to continue fighting for an agriculture system that puts People before Profits, People before Polluters, and Communities before Corporations.”