Production Credits
Executive Producer: Willie Nelson
Creative Director: Mark Rothbaum
Producer: Ron Stern
Production Manager: Charlie Hernandez
Site Coordinator: Rich MacDonald
Stage Manager: Steve Gudis
The Roadies: Dug Wuest, Bart Durbin, Rob Richards, Michele Morin, Tom Davis, Matt Monahan, Tim Nowicke and Nick Foster
Production Coordinators: Andrea Fulkerson, Jean Dalsin, Maya Gas
Artist Advance: Vicki Krone
Talent Coordinators: Kim Taylor and Rachel Millas
Talent Production Assistant: Megan MacDonald
Crew Travel Coordinator: Charles Zimmer
Ground Transportation: Brian Market and Lindsay Goldfarb
Credentials: Aaron Bach/Arnett Designs
Security: Steve MacDonald
Lighting: John Huddleston/Upstaging Lighting
Lighting Crew: Ken “Junior” Burns, JR Harris, Mike Hosp, Kenny Rutkowski, Yoshi Shinohara
Lighting Designer/Director: Jason Robinson
Lighting Design Operations: Michael Nevitt, Tyler Roach, Scott Swim, Eric Wade, John Weston
Sound: Troy Clair, Robert Drewes , M.L Procise (1985-2014), Greg Hall/Clair Global
Sound Crew: Rachael Aull, Don Baker, Tim Banas, Steve Carter, Jerrell Evans, Chris Holland, Tony Luna, Jamie Nelson, Howard Page, Mark Potzler, Michael Robertson, Rick Roman, Erik Swanson, Jeff Wuerth
Video Screens: Bob Brigham, Todd LePere/ PRGNocturne, Danny O’Bryen/Screenworks NEP
Video Crew: Brian Bateman, George Elizondo, Hayden Hallgren, Zainool Hamid, Mark Johnson, Robby Knouse, Brian Lockwood, Scott Lutton, Josh Marrano, Danny O’Bryen, Tim Watson, Shawn Worlow
Staging: Mary Lou Figley / StageCo U.S.
StageCo Crew: Tom Krof, Cory Gross
Backline: Dave Patterson/Clair Backline
Backline Crew: Matt Borders
Audio Recording: Timothy Powell / Metro Mobile Recording
Audio Recording Crew: Art Harrison, Mike Konopka, Timothy Powell
Video Content: Jason Robinson; photographs courtesy of Paul Natkin, Patty O’Brien, Audra Mulkern, Sandi Whitmore, Rod Gerst, and David Sowa
Trucking: Robert Carone, Chanon DiCarlo/Upstaging Trucking
Backline Rental: Wireless First
Audio Visual Support: Audio Visual One / Tom Karr
Radios: Ron Martinelli/AAA Communications
Décor: Hidden Hive Flowers, Goebberts
Banner Designs: Jon Sukow, Icon Interactive
Legal: Greenberg Traurig, Jess Rosen
Evan Haiman – Executive Producer
Allyson Vecchione – Producer
Danny O’Brien – Director
Chris Markwell – Tech Manager
James Kruger – Production Manager
Credit and Thanks to the Performers, Composers and Rights Holders
Local Labor
IATSE Local 2
Teamsters Local 727
Farm Aid Board of Directors
David Anderson
Paul English
Richard Fields
Joel Katz
Dave Matthews
John Mellencamp
Lana Nelson
Willie Nelson
Mark Rothbaum
Evelyn Shriver
Neil Young
Farm Aid Staff
Caroline Campbell McCormick, Operations Director
Emily Eagan, Merchandise Coordinator and Special Projects
Jennifer Fahy, Communications Director
Matt Glidden, Online Marketing Director
Jennie Msall, Farm Advocate
Don Graham, Office Manager
Alicia Harvie, Advocacy & Issues Director
Jessica Kurn, Program Associate
Caroline Malcolm, Development Associate
Jennie Msall, Farm Advocate
Carolyn Mugar, Executive Director
Kassia Perpich, Grant Program Manager
Hilde Steffey, Program Director
Kara Thibeault, Volunteer Coordinator
Kari Williams, Development Director
Glenda Yoder, Associate Director
Vanguard Communications: Brenda Foster, Brandi Horton, Brittany Vanderpool and Sangeetha Sarma
Sponsorship & Hospitality
Integrated Market Solutions, Inc.: Dennis W. Gorg, Michael A. Caskey, Candace Wetherford, Denny G, and Mike Steinbacher
Farm Aid App
Logo: Icon Interactive
Merchandise Operations: Rick Roth, Pam Ikegami and Brian Murphy
Merchandising: EMI
T-Shirt Screen Printing: Rick Roth/Mirror Image
Poster Printing: Jakprints
Waterbottles: Dustin Berg & Ryan Clark of Liberty Bottleworks
Transportation: Rick Roth and Brian Murphy
Merchandise Designs: Kathy Keller, Derek Yesman, Brian Lessard/Mirror Image, Judy Winters/Mirror Image and Ruth Barter/Mirror Image
Official Photographers
Ebet Roberts, Paul Natkin, Sabine Carey, Cathy Tingle
Pre-Sale Ticketing
The Goddess and the Grocer: Debbie Sharpe
Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP)
HOMEGROWN Concessions and Catering
Sonya Dagovitz, Farm Aid Culinary Director
Live Nation Food and Beverage: Brian Siep
Waste Management
Farm Aid coordination, Anne and Derek Bedarf
FirstMerit Bank Pavilion Concessions
Legends Hospitality
FirstMerit Bank Pavilion
Karl Adams, COO Live Nation
Brian Rutkowski, General Manager
Jason Wright, General Manager
Jon Reens, VP Marketing, Live Nation Midwest
Nic Berry, Box Office Manager
Scott Anna, Production Manager
Rob McCalebb, Live Nation Premium Seats Sales Manager
Michael Pfluegl, Live Nation Sponsorship Sales Manager
Colleen Bartlett
Richard Clise
Joe DeFeo
Andrea Goldman
Daniel Jacob
Dahr Jamail
M Lavin
Brian & Debbie Leedom
Paul & Renee Salden
Timothy & Jamie Taft
Jennie Turner-Garlington
Travis Webb & Francesca Lynd
Phillip Wegman
Stephen & Liora Yalof
Development Advisory Board
Yan Besner
Will Dailey
The DeFeo Family
Donn & Veronica Heath
M Lavin
Deb & Brian Leedom
Robert & Kaci Lyford
Randy Poe
Kevin & Ashley Steed
Liora & Stephen Yalof
Recorded at FirstMerit Bank Pavilion, Live Nation Worldwide