Blog | June 14, 2006

Wendy blogs about a blog title

Here in the Somerville office we fall somewhere between consensus decision making and a true hierarchy. When big decisions have to be made the buck stops with Carolyn, our executive director and the board of directors. But for day to day decisions, we try to involve as many staff as want to be involved.

For example, naming this blog has been a group project. Like anyone starting a blog we aimed for a name that was funny, clever, not too cute and definitely relevant. We started brainstorming title ideas through email. Everyone was given the opportunity to present the ideas they liked. We spent at least a week thinking, joking, dreaming of titles. It was even the subject of one of our Friday Happy Hour discussions. Here are some of the titles we came up with. It was hard to choose but in the end, we think we found the right one!

Farm Aid Chews their Cud
Farm Aid Folk Tales
Farm Aid: Real Dirt
Farm Aid: Behind the Barn doors
Farms 364 Days a year: Celebrities 1 day a year
As the soil turns
Food for Thought
Making Hay in the City
Beneficial Pests
The Big Till
Fertilize your inbox
Farm Aid Front Porch
Gabbin’ ‘bout Grub
Fresh from the Farm Aid Family
What’s new on the Farm

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