Blog | May 19, 2010

Victory for Family Farmers in the Missouri Legislative Session

HildeLast week, we alerted our Missouri supporters about a dangerous effort afoot in Missouri: Senate Bill 795. This bill was jam-packed with pro-corporate, political maneuvering, and contained language threatening local control over livestock development in the state.

Well, we have some great news to report:

Thanks to the dedication and commitment of family farm supporters across Missouri, all deceptive and pro-factory farm language was removed from every agricultural bill being considered in the legislative session.

Here’s what Rhonda Perry of Farm Aid funded-group the Missouri Rural Crisis Center had to say:

“Thank you and everyone at Farm Aid for your help in making this major win possible. I know your email went far and wide because I received it several times from people who forwarded it to us, and your blog post also made local radio on Wednesday night. We can’t thank Farm Aid enough for your help at a very critical time—it made a major difference.”

So, thank you all for calling your Senators, forwarding our alert and really just caring about family farmers. This is a great reminder to us all that the voice of thousands of farmers and the people who care about them can be stronger than that of corporate agri-business and their allies. Your participation in the democratic process paid off!

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