The worst drought in more than fifty years is burning pastures and withering crops across the country, putting every family farmer at risk. And there’s no end in sight.
Every day, the Farm Aid hotline rings with calls from farm families in need. We hear from farmers who are struggling to feed their animals. Their pastures are parched and their hay is running out. Farmers growing fruits and vegetables tell us they are without crop insurance and have nothing left in the fields to sell. Bare fields mean they’ll have no income for the rest of the year.

Farm Aid activated our Family Farm Disaster Fund to respond to the crisis immediately. So far we’ve granted $15,000 in emergency assistance for farmers and to push for long-term solutions to disasters like this one. With your help, we can do more. Your gift of $50 or more will go directly to a farm family in need.
Drought is a unique kind of disaster. It’s slow to arrive and long to recover from, leaving farmers helpless… able only to watch as their crops wither and die. Please join us in bringing hope to farm families by giving a gift today.
We can’t afford to lose a single family farmer. Those farmers most at risk are just the ones we need on the land, strengthening local communities and economies, growing good food and protecting our soil and water. Lend your support today and let family farmers know you stand by them.