Blog | August 11, 2013

The Farm Aid 2013 auction starts tonight!

KariTo celebrate our annual concert, Farm Aid is launching another amazing online auction! We are working with Auction Cause and eBay Giving again this year to bring you unbelievable auction items as well as awesome experiences at Farm Aid 2013 in Saratoga Springs, New York, on September 21.

We are fortunate to have incredible relationships with artists and friends who believe in our mission to keep family farmers on the land. Loyal Farm Aid supporter Jeff Tweedy of Wilco is going to personalize an autographed guitar to one lucky winner. Jack Johnson is back on the Farm Aid stage this year, and this time he’s signing a ukulele for you! And our good friend Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report did some redecorating on his set, and is sending us his interview table, full of scratches by some pretty famous folks.

On top of that, we have two front row seats to Farm Aid 2013 with VIP privileges, photo pit seats to get you closer than front row, backstage tours and more! When you bid, you’re ensuring Farm Aid is able to continue to grow a strong, family farmer-centered vision of agriculture. I hope you’ll support Farm Aid and family farmers, and have a little fun yourself by being part of our auction starting Sunday, August 11 at 9pm eastern! The auction will run through August 21 on, so be sure to bid and bid often to keep family farmers thriving!

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