Blog | September 18, 2006

Ted enjoys his garden

Wow! What a fantastic day.

The garden is overrun with morning glories blooming in a tangled profusion
over the lattice fence. Scarlet runner beans share a bit of that same space,
lifting bright orange blossoms toward the sun while dripping long, bean fat

A second crop of lettuce is emerging (a bit late to be sure), and a second
crop of red raspberries bends bushes earthward. Just spotted a late cucumber
hidden among the tomatoes and the spring onions have just now come on
strong. The experimental crop of lima beans is beginning to show signs of
consumable success.

An occasional gold finch stops by to pick seed pods from what’s left of the
purple cone flowers while bumble bees ravage the licorice mint.

Think I’ll plant a second crop of arugula later this afternoon.

All this while Duke Ellington and John Coltrane take on “Big Nick” in
decisive fashion on the i-pod, and I sit pondering the tactics I need to
employ to distract farmers from their work long enough to lock them in for
the Farm Yard and media interviews.


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