Blog | September 30, 2006

Ryan Meets the Artist Danielle Evin and the Mellencamp Fan Club

If I gave you Five Wishes, I bet one of them would be to meet Danielle Evin. Now, before meeting her today, I would have thought that she was just a good-looking woman. She reminded me of my Aunt Kim back in Michigan—young, tiny, and super cute, with killer eyes. But what you wouldn’t know is that she is a rising star in the music world. As the Guitar Worlds Acoustic stated, she has “Chrissy Hynde-meets-Jewel vocals.” And having heard her CD, I agree.

Danielle will be one of the early acts during today’s concert. She will be singing hits from her recently released self-entitled CD. She is a talent in full…guitar, vocal and a rocking violin. She is a well-rounded artist too, from cartoonist to sous chef, she has found her calling with her vocal mastery and talented guitar/violin skills.

Then I have been repeatedly running into the Mellencamp Camp—a crew of friendly women who are decked out in bedazzled jean jackets and autograph tattoos. These ladies can not be missed; you find them on John’s path, like hound dogs on the trail of a fox. They would agree with the fox comment. They were hanging out in the artist hotel lounge last night, swapping Mellencamp stories and these jeweled ladies were the first in the press conference tent, anxiously waiting for a glimpse at the man they love.

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