Blog | September 8, 2006

Nahreen mails out the concert tickets

We have a wall of shame here at our office. Those who have blogged numerous
times, aren’t on the wall of shame. But those of us who have only
communicated to the outside world on one occasion have made it to the wall
of shame. That’s right, I’m here to redeem myself!
It’s been pretty crazy here in the office the last few weeks. We promised
FarmYard members we would have their tickets sent out 3-4 weeks before the
show. We decided to send tickets via FedEx Ground, that way we could track
tickets and verify delivery, while still being cost effective.
What we found out in the process of preparing over 800 ticket orders was
that most people don’t use FedEx Ground if they’re going to ship almost a
thousand envelopes. So when we spoke to FedEx, and explained what we planned
to do, they laughed. Then, told us we were crazy. And sure enough, we were
crazy. It took days. Once I had to stalk a FedEx worker. Twice I raided a
FedEx store for supplies (and got busted because they aren’t a supply store,
as they pointed out). And for three days straight Katie sat in front of her
computer printing label, after label.

But, guess what? It was worth it. Because all the tickets went out, and the
happy emails from our members are coming in! We just got an email from a
delighted FarmYarder, he said, “You guys are doing something right! Keep up
the great work.” Well, that’s what we’re here for… to do something right!
Thanks to all you who appreciate what we’re doing and help us feel good
about doing it!

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