Blog | April 19, 2011

Missouri, Don’t Give Factory Farms a Free Ride– call Governor Nixon today!

HildeIn March, we alerted you to a series of dangerous state bills designed to protect a few factory farms at the expense of countless family farmers and rural landowners.

Unfortunately, despite hundreds of emails and phone calls from family farm supporters like you, corporate agribusiness and their lobbyists convinced legislators to give factory farms a free ride, and House Bill 209 is on its way to the Governor’s desk.

But there’s still time to stop these bills in their tracks, and we need your help.

Please Call & Email Governor Nixon today and tell him to VETO HB 209!

Tell him that:

* HB 209 limits the constitutional rights of family farmers and rural landowners from protecting their property through the court system from the negative impacts of industrial factory farms;

* HB 209 represents a “taking” or “condemnation” of one’s personal property without just compensation, and creates a disincentive for factory farms to clean up their act and become good neighbors to farmers and rural families who have oftentimes lived on their land for generations;

* HB 209 is clearly a factory farm protection bill that takes away the property rights of thousands of independently owned and operated family farms and rural landowners across the state to protect a very small minority of industrial factory farms.

Call Governor Nixon now at 573-751-3222 or click here to send an email

If you don’t live in Missouri, please forward this post to any friends and family you know there.

Thank you for taking the time to stand up for Missouri’s family farmers. We’re glad we can count on you to take action for family farmers where you live.

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