Neil Young & Promise of the Real performing at Farm Aid 2018
Neil Young & Promise of the Real performing at Farm Aid 2018. Photo © Brian Bruner / Bruner Photo

Blog | October 17, 2018

Have you stopped at a farmers market lately?

by Jessica Kurn

Neil Young’s performance on the Farm Aid 2018 stage got people on their feet and applauding. But one thing he said in between songs compelled them long after his set was over:

“What are you going to do next time you see a farmers market? Say hello to a farmer, buy something. Get real. Buy something good.”

His words resonated because the connection people feel buying from farmers markets makes intuitive sense. Farmers markets help family farmers financially in that they are selling their goods directly to the consumer—particularly as farmers are receiving about 15 cents for every dollar Americans spend on food. This also comes at a time when the net farm income has plummeted by more than 50%. Buying directly from the farmer ensures that 100% of the proceeds go to the farm. If financial reasons weren’t enough, there’s also a strong sense of community built at these markets among shoppers and between farmers and consumers.

We were blown away with the number of people who went out and heeded Neil Young’s call. Check out a few of the many callouts we received on social media. And let us know if you’ve visited your local farmers market lately!









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