Blog | December 13, 2013

Genevieve’s Farm and Food Roundup

GenevieveNew research finds that organic milk is more nutritious than regular milk. According to the study, organic milk contains 62 percent more omega-3’s, or healthy fats that can reduce your risk of heart disease, and less of the omega-6 fatty acids that aren’t so good for you. The increased omega-3s are likely due to the increased grazing that organic cows tend to do.

Many farmers who have chosen to opt out of the use of genetically modified seeds find that they are making more money in non-GMO markets. Smaller companies that specialize in non-GMO seed have grown 30-50 percent in the past five years.

The FDA has just issued two rules preventing farmers from using antibiotics to boost the growth and weight of their animals. This will restrict the use of antibiotics in agriculture to its original purpose of treating of infections only and hopefully help keep antibiotics working for the purpose they were intended, in animals and humans.

Inspired by her autistic son, Jan Pilarski of South Bend, Indiana has started an organic greenhouse run by farmers with autism. Her project was an immediate entrepreneurial success, allowing her to operate on a commercial-scale with each greenhouse employing five people with autism per year, and producing 45,000 pounds of vegetables.

In the spirit of giving, Montana is helping out ranchers in South Dakota tremendously, as they continue to recover from the winter storm earlier this fall. Heifers for South Dakota, a Montana-based group, recently donated hundreds of bred heifers and cows, as well as money for the Rancher Relief Fund, which has raised more than $1.5 million.

And of course, here’s the latest on the farm bill. The House and Senate admit that it is unlikely that they will come to an agreement by the end of the year, but are confident that the farm bill will pass in January. The fear of a “dairy cliff” and soaring milk prices has put pressure on a decision by the end of the year; however, Congress insists that waiting until January won’t lead to any immediate negative effects.

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