Blog | September 24, 2009

Farm Fresh Pics – We have two winners!

MattWith more than 650 photos entered and 14,636 votes cast, the Farm Fresh Pics photo contest was an amazing success. Thank you to everyone who uploaded beautiful pictures of farms, families and food — and to everyone who voted for their favorite Pics!

We’re very pleased to announce the winners of the Farm Fresh Pics contest. The Grand Prize Winner is Linda B. from Erie, Colorado. Her “Willie Doll at the San Francisco Farmer’s Market” photo received 2,420 votes, meaning she’ll enjoy a trip to St. Louis and front row tickets for Farm Aid 2009 Presented by Horizon Organic!

It was a tough job, but our Farm Fresh Pics judges, including Willie Nelson, Jason Mraz, Elaine Irwin Mellencamp, photographer Paul Natkin and Farm Aid Executive Director Carolyn Mugar picked “Generations of Life and Land” as the photo that best celebrates America’s family farms in our judged category. Winner Bob F. of St. Bonifacious, Minnesota will receive an installation and a year of DIRECTV service (the perfect way to enjoy upcoming Farm Aid specials on DIRECTV).

Our top seven honorable mention photographers each received a fabulous VIP gift bag and hundreds of others won prizes including Farm Aid bumper stickers, concert T-shirts, and more.

We were blown away by the stunning photos entered in the contest and the passion supporters expressed for America’s tradition of family farmers. Please take a few moments to browse through all the wonderful entries at the Farm Fresh Pics site.

And thanks again to everyone who submitted photos and voted for their favorites — your support will help us continue to stand up for family farmers all year long.

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