All week long, we post updates on what’s happening at Farm Aid and in the world of farms and food on our Twitter feed. In case you missed some of those links, below are some notable stories we shared since our last update:
- The dairy crisis isn’t letting up; Vermont’s Agriculture Secretary says as many as 200 dairy farms in the state could be forced out of business by the end of 2010.
- Do you eat dairy products? Then you should learn about the sustainable possibilities of veal.
- Some amazing images of farming from around the world.
- “Making It Easier to Eat Local Food” What role, if any, should the federal government play in creating better food processing and delivery systems?
- An update on the fight with dairy factory farms in New Mexico over keeping water clean and safe for residents.
- A Foreign Policy contributor says sustainable farming can’t feed the world. Here is Anna Lappé’s reubttal, “Don’t Panic, Go Organic.”
- Don’t have the time or skill to grow vegetables in your backyard? A new type of farmer offers to do it for you (for a fee).
- Some innovative ideas from California for expanding and improving upon the ideals of farmers markets for farmers and eaters alike.
- A fascinating look at Growing Power, an urban farm in Milwaukee growing food with a variety of interesting techniques.
- Some American schools have been able to add fresh food to their cafeterias without busting their budgets. Read how.
- Here’s a wonderful video called, “The Greenmarket: One Farmer’s Story“