Blog | September 18, 2007

Farm Aid Staff Love Your Emails

After the show, we really enjoy hearing from folks. This is a favorite that came to us a few days ago.

“To the Farm Aid Crew-

Just want to take a moment out of my busy day and say I think its great what you guys are doing. I have never heard of you guys until I passed a bus on the highway this morning with “farm aid” on the side and powered by bio diesel. I was intrigued so when I got home I went to the web to find out more. As a fourth generation family farmer, I couldn’t help but smile when I stumbled on to your web site. Being in the small town of Easton Connecticut, which was once a strong farming community, I get chills down me when I drive by what was once a family farm and see it filled with million dollars homes. Being so close to New York city the land is so valuable it has made farming here nearly extinct. As land values go up, most farmers give into the temptation and sell knowing that they can’t possibly make as much in a lifetime as they can by selling the farm for. As for me, our family farm was founded in 1912 by my great grandfather, as he and my grandfather and father all had a battle to keep the farm going , I am faced with a war almost daily to keep it going. I personally can’t wait for 2012 where the farm will reach the 100 year anniversary. Once again thought it would be nice to hear from a farmer who is truly thankful for all you guys do every day to help us.

Irv Snow
Snows Farm “

Thanks Irv! And keep up the good work!!

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