Blog | October 3, 2009

“Farm Aid comes to St. Louis, hoping to bring change”

MattLook for Farm Aid on the front page of Sunday’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch! If you can’t wait, get out your Sunday morning coffee mug and check the article out online now to see what Farm Aid means to the farmers of Missouri.

Farm Aid comes to St. Louis, hoping to bring change
by Georgina Gustin

ST. LOUIS – Farm Aid, the longest-running benefit concert in the country, calls it the “good food” movement.

But by any name, the growing American appetite for locally raised food has conferred upon farmers a kind of celebrity status — or, at least, placed them at the center of the American conversation about food.

“As the good food movement was emerging, we began to see that we could show people that family farmers are the people who provide that food,” said Glenda Yoder, an associate director with Farm Aid. “We could bring attention to farms.”

That attention, organizers hope, will help Farm Aid in its mission to keep family farmers on their land — and, in the process, reshape the American food system…

Click here to read the rest of the article.

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