Blog | October 4, 2009

Every thread supports family farmers

Guest post by Will Valverde.
It’s not just the lineup at Farm Aid that changes from year to year (check out this year’s artists here). Every year, Farm Aid commissions t-shirt designs from a diverse group of artists. These evolving designs are part of the Farm Aid tradition, and it’s no surprise that there are dedicated Farm Aid supporters out there with a collection of shirts spanning all 24 years.

Although the merchandise is unique every year, there’s something extra special about the t-shirts being counted out by hand by Farm Aid volunteers as they come off the truck. This year’s shirts, generously provided by Anvil, are a combination of sustainable fabric and transitional cotton. They represent one more way that Farm Aid is helping family farmers build a stable future for themselves — and the planet.

This year’s concert shirts are made with a blend of recycled plastic bottles (about three bottles go into each shirt!) and transitional cotton. It takes three years of following strict guidelines before a cotton farm can be certified organic, and those three years can be really tough ones for farmers who are trying to move away from conventional growing practices. Anvil makes a point of buying cotton from Texas farmers going through this transition, and we’re proud to have them feature this year’s design.

Check out the Farm Aid store to see more the of this year’s merchandise, and know that you can wear Farm Aid gear in comfort and style — while supporting American family farmers making the transition to sustainable farming.

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