Blog | June 11, 2009

A Celebration of Family Dairy Farmers in Cambridge, Mass.

KariPlease join us for an evening celebrating family dairy farmers and the milk they produce!

  • Hear author (and Massachusetts native) Lisa M. Hamilton read stories from her new book Deeply Rooted: Unconventional Farmers
    in the Age of Agribusiness
    , a narrative non-fiction work that tells of a growing movement of “unconventional farmers” in the United States.
  • Listen to Farm Aid’s Executive Director Carolyn Mugar discuss the current dairy economic crisis and how it is threatening family farmers in New England and across the country.
  • Participate in a milk tasting, featuring both organic and raw milk from several local dairies (along with palate-cleansing chocolate chip cookies from Henrietta’s Table).

WHEN: Thursday, June 25th at 7PM

WHERE: Harvard Book Store – 1256 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA – (617) 661-1515

PRICE: Admission is free. Books will be available for sale and signing.

From a letter to the author by Wendell Berry:

In a time when agribusiness and the global economy are making the rules,and when most people of the land are striving to be obedient, these people have had the courage to use their own intelligence in their own places. They have been appropriately rewarded for their independence, and readers of this book will be rewarded also. As for me, when I read of the Podoll family’s thinking about local adaptation and their effort ‘to get the maximum from the minimum,’ I wanted to stand up and shout.

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