Blog | September 10, 2007

Ryan Spotlights “Overheard at the NYC Farm Aid”

You may already know, but a very popular web site based in New York City is called Overheard in New York – where everyday people overhear one-liners or conversations on the subway, street or even work and post them to the sight to show how absurd something sound….so we have been compiling ours all day. Note: I will give comments to give reference or highlight their rumor or lack there of:

Heard on the Backlot:
Woman – “Farm Aid is your chance to be closer to God”

Heard in the Homegrown Village:
Young girl – “Naming the chickens makes them more tough to eat”

Heard in the Audience:
Middle-aged woman with thick Brooklyn accent holding a fresh glass of beer – “You know where I can find sunblock. This sunburn is ruining my buzz.”
Tall guy talking to bud as they watch Dennis Alley’s Wisdom Indian Dancers in full regalia walk by –“Dude, what do Native American have to do with farming?”
(blogger comment: can we say duh – maize – pilgrims, societal survival…yes I was offended)
Shirtless frat boy staring a friends “Free Willie” t-shirt – “I am so glad Willie is out of jail.”
Young woman on a ground with out a blanket – “I am dirty, but not in a good way.”
Girl to friend – “Screw the Port –o – John, lets Pop-a-Squat!”
(blogger comment: I know the lines were long but hey that’s just not right!)
Staff member in golf cart in the backlot – “We may hit that garbage can, brace yourself…BANG!”

Heard in the Media Tent:
Media Person to Farm Aid staff working in the Media Tent – “So how much do you get paid for being an escort at the concert?”
(blogger comment: All media are “escorted” by staff wearing a badge labeled escort.)
Videographer and rowdy person exchange words
Rowdy guy trying to get in video shot – Hey get a picture of my @$$!
Videographer – No thanks, I got all the @$$ footage I needed before noon today

Heard in the Catering Tent:
Loud voice in the corner – “Check out the New York cops, mmm, lets do something bad.”

Heard on Stage:
One of the performers, talking to the crowd – “I like a good tomato. One that is so good it hurts your mouth.”

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