Blog | April 15, 2010

Times are a changing… and Time magazine has taken note!

HildeThere’s a growing recognition that our food system needs an overhaul if we’re going to safeguard the health of our families, our environment and our country. In Washington, there’s a vegetable garden on the White House lawn, a national conversation has been sparked about what our kids eat, and there is political will to investigate the stranglehold that corporations have on our food system.

As Time magazine once again solicits votes for its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, we are pleased to see the inclusion of two leaders who are changing the way we think about food and farming in this country. While we would have loved to see Willie’s name atop the poll, we think it is a telling sign of the momentum of the Good Food Movement that both Deputy Secretary of the USDA, Kathleen Merrigan, and food and farm author, Michael Pollan, are recognized on a list celebrating the leaders, artists, innovators and icons of 2010.

For the next two weeks you can cast your vote for the persons you think should make it on to the final list of 100, to be revealed on April 29th. Family farmers are often the unsung heroes, quietly leading the way to a brighter future through their hard work, perseverance and innovation. Let’s rally some support for Merrigan and Pollan as champions of family farmers and their vision for a sustainable future – and, by doing so, get more people on board, demanding a vibrant family-farm system of agriculture in this country, growing good food for all.

Below are the bios Time posted for each nominee. Click the names to cast your vote!

  • Kathleen Merrigan, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture: “Merrigan brings an unusually green viewpoint to the USDA, better known as a bastion of mainstream industrial farming. The former director of the agriculture, food and environment program at Tufts University, as a congressional staffer in 1990 she helped write the Organic Food Production Act. She remains a champion of sustainable farming.”
  • Michael Pollan: “The author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and other crunchy best sellers, the soft-spoken but passionate Pollan is the dean of sustainable-food writers — and an enemy of mainstream American agriculture. His books have guided millions of American readers toward a healthier, greener way of eating — even as he’s remained skeptical of the growing corporate organic movement.”

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