Photo: CalCAN

Soil, Water & Climate | April 27, 2016

Our partners fight for climate change policies that benefit family farmers

Farm Aid partners with organizations across the country to change the farm and food system. Their range of impact is meaningful and their body of work is as diverse as the geography of this country. We’ve highlighted 30 of them for our 30th year in our grant quilt.

Many of these groups fight for climate adaptation and mitigation policies that benefit rural communities and family farmers. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) and the California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN) are two examples of organizations working for a positive climate future.

Phil Foster of Pinnacles Organics talks with California legislators about building soil organic matter and planting hedgerows to sequester carbon.

Phil Foster of Pinnacles Organics talks with California legislators about building soil organic matter and planting hedgerows to sequester carbon.


Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)

instituteforagandtradeIATP created the Rural Climate Network (RCN) to establish a national rural climate policy platform. Whether it is reinvigorating local food economies or promoting carbon-friendly farming practices and renewable energy, the RCN firmly believes that—with the right policies—meaningful change will occur in rural communities. The RCN has rallied rural leaders who participate in local, state and national debates on climate change policy, and will continue to speak up in the coming years.


California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN)

californiaclimateCalCAN works to reduce the carbon footprint of the food system through policy changes. CalCAN knows that farmers are on the frontlines of the changing climate and ensures that farmer voices and needs are front and center in the dialogue.


Learn more about IATP, CalCAN and our other partner organizations, by visiting our grant quilt.

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