Blog | July 11, 2013

Introducing Farm Aid’s New Co-op, Genevieve!

GenevieveFood. Music. Writing. These three things are essentially me in a nutshell. As a third year journalism major at Northeastern University, I inevitably began my search for my first co-op in the writing field. What I did not expect was to come across an organization such a Farm Aid, a place where I could not only pursue my career in writing, but also incorporate my two other passions for food and music. I knew immediately that I just had to become involved with this organization in some way, whether I received the position or not. Now, here I am as Farm Aid’s newest co-op intern, and could not be more thrilled!

My passion for writing developed during my early high school years, when I started writing small articles here and there for the school newspaper. Throughout the years I became increasingly more involved, until I was eventually editor. I loved everything about working for the paper. I developed this passion for creative writing that led me to yearn for a career in journalism.

Music I would consider to be another love of my life, but not just any music, folk music. I have no shame in admitting that I am completely obsessed with Bob Dylan. I grew up listening to him, but not because of my parents’ older generational influence like you would think. I remember the day I stumbled upon Dylan’s song “I Want You,” which I still consider my favorite song today. From there, the obsession began. I collected every CD, from live versions to random bootlegs, and various Dylan memorabilia whenever I came across it. It wasn’t until I began researching Farm Aid’s history that I realized Bob Dylan suggested that some of the money from the 1985 Live Aid concert go to farmers in need, sparking Willie Nelson’s creation of Farm Aid and the benefit concert. After that, I knew it was meant to be. I am so excited to be working with the team to carry on this tradition in Farm Aid’s upcoming concert this September.

On the other hand, my interest in food and nutrition is relatively new. It wasn’t until my first year in college that I really began to pay attention to what I was consuming. After putting on the dreadful freshmen 15, I one day decided to start exercising more and be careful with my diet. This led me to start researching food and nutrition, and I’ll be the first to admit, I became a little obsessive. Now, I cannot believe how I lived my life so blissfully unaware of the chemicals, and quite frankly just junk that I was putting into my body for so many years. After changing to an almost strictly organic diet, I feel so much better about my health, and my overall self. It is very important to me that everyone have access to fresh and good food, and that is why I believe so strongly in Farm Aid’s mission to keep farmers on their land, and their role in the good food movement.

That being said, I am eager to start my journey with Farm Aid, a place where I can explore my current passions, develop new ones, and learn from this entire experience. Just by researching all that Farm Aid has done to help family farmers, the organization has already made an impact on me. I can only imagine the impact it will have on me six months from now, and I can’t wait to contribute to the cause.

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