Blog | August 6, 2009

Got a Farm Fresh Pic? You could win front row seats at the concert!

MattHere’s my Farm Fresh Pic. What’s yours?
farm fresh berriesWhat’s a Farm Fresh Pic? Funny you should ask… Farm Fresh Pics is a contest we launched today where people can upload a photo of anything related to family farmers and the good food they grow. We’re looking for photos of farms, farmers and farm families, tractors and barns, the perfect tomatoes you bought at a farmers market, or your favorite farm animals – anything and everything that shows the vibrancy and beauty of the American family farm.

People can vote for their own photo or on any other photo they like the look of. Why would they want to do that? Well, the person whose photo gets the most votes will get a trip for two to St. Louis and front row tickets to Farm Aid 2009 Presented by Horizon Organic.

Even if your photo doesn’t get the most votes, you still have a chance to win our judged competition, where Willie Nelson, Jason Mraz, Elaine Irwin Mellencamp, Farm Aid’s official photographer Paul Natkin, and Farm Aid’s Executive Director Carolyn Mugar will select the pic that best celebrates America’s family farms. That winner will get a free installation of DIRECTV along with a year of free service.

If you don’t want to upload your own photo or vote, I would still recommend browsing through the entries – people have already uploaded some beautiful photos!

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