Blog | November 22, 2013

Genevieve’s Farm and Food Roundup

GenevieveA survey conducted by researchers at Rutgers University shows that the majority of Americans pay little attention to genetically engineered foods. Despite the recent intensive media coverage of the issue, more than half knew little or nothing about GE technology, while a quarter had never even heard of them. What does this mean for the future of GE labeling? Clearly, huge corporate dollars on the opposition’s side is not the only challenge for proponents of labeling and transparency in our food system.

As heat and drought increasingly affect much of the nation’s land, farmers turn towards the “camel of crops,” or sorghum, a grain that can grow in intolerable soils, and more importantly, requires little water.

After a visit to Indiana’s Amish country, allergist Mark Holbreich believes that the cure to the allergy epidemic could come from cowshed microbes. The “farm effect” allows for a stimulated immune system and no sign of allergies and asthma.

If the new food safety rules proposed by the FDA are implemented, local and organic carrots and spinach, kohlrabi, and pickles are at risk of disappearing as a result of placing burdensome regulations on small farms and local food businesses.

Song parodies by farmers have been all the rage, but hip-hop artist Keith Cross’ original rap about urban farming and the significance of homegrown food is incredibly catchy! Check it out here!

Swiss farmers have started a campaign against their country’s ongoing litter problem, which not only makes a mess of the land, but also poses a danger to their livestock who are ingesting metal, glass, and aluminum.

According to a recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, climate change is predicted to reduce farm yields by 2 percent every decade. However, the demand for crops is increasing 12 percent every decade. See the problem here…

An ice cream shop in Portland, Oregon, is offering seasonal, November flavors in preparation for Thanksgiving. Flavors such as Mincemeat, Apple Cranberry Stuffing, Sweet Potato and Candied Pecans, and especially Salted Caramel Thanksgiving Turkey sure sound interesting and festive!

And once again, the Farm Bill is stalled.

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