Blog | April 23, 2012

Farm Aid Music Monday, Starring Will Dailey & The Rivals

MattThis Music Monday features Will Dailey & The Rivals. Will Dailey has performed at three Farm Aid concerts and last year had a "Road to Farm Aid" tour in cities across the country as the band made their way to Kansas City for Farm Aid 2011. Will Dailey’s one of our favorite artists around the office, possibly due to the fact that he’s coming in on Thursday this week to perform live for us! And he’ll be performing live for you too, as his set will be streamed live at 2pm Eastern time. Will plans to cover songs by Farm Aid board artists Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews and you can help pick which songs he’ll play over on his Facebook page. The webcast tickets are sold on a "pay what you can" basis with all proceeds going to Farm Aid’s mission of keeping family farmers on the land.

While you wait for Will’s live set on Thursday, take a look at this five-song playlist from his performance at Farm Aid 2011:

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