Blog | March 21, 2011

Farm Aid Music Monday, Starring Bob Dylan

MattRecently, I’ve spent a few afternoons digging through the Farm Aid archives to share video memories from past Farm Aid concerts on our YouTube channel. Since I think we could all use a pick-me-up on Mondays, each week, we’ll highlight one of those videos on our blog.

Bob Dylan, Norah Jones, Kenny Chesney, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Glen Campbell, Tom Petty, and Steven Tyler. What do all these artists have in common? They, and dozens more, have collaborated on-stage with Farm Aid Co-Founder and President Willie Nelson during Farm Aid concerts over the years. Today, we bring you “Maggie’s Farm” sung by Bob Dylan with backup on guitar by both Tom Petty and Willie Nelson.

For more Farm Aid videos, visit our YouTube channel.

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